CORE Computer Science Journal Rankings 2007
Journal | Ranking |
ACM Transactions on Algorithms | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Graphics | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems(was LOPLAS) | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | A+ |
Artificial Intelligence | A+ |
Cognition | A+ |
Cognitive Science | A+ |
Computational Complexity | A+ |
Computational Linguistics | A+ |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | A+ |
Fuzzy Sets and Systems | A+ |
Human-Computer Interaction | A+ |
IEEE Network | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Computers | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | A+ |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | A+ |
International Journal of Computer Vision | A+ |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Reasoning | A+ |
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | A+ |
Journal of Computer and System Sciences | A+ |
Journal of Cryptology | A+ |
Journal of Management Information Systems | A+ |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | A+ |
Journal of Philosophical Logic | A+ |
Journal of the ACM | A+ |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems | A+ |
Journal of the Operational Research Society | A+ |
Machine Learning | A+ |
Management Information Systems Quarterly | A+ |
Management Science | A+ |
Network: Computation in Neural Systems | A+ |
Neural Computation | A+ |
Neural Networks | A+ |
Numerische Mathematik | A+ |
Pattern Recognition | A+ |
Quantum Information and Computation | A+ |
SIAM Journal on Computing | A+ |
The VLDB Journal: The International Journal on Very Large Databases | A+ |
User Modelling | A+ |
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | A |
ACM Transactions on the Web | A |
ACTA Informatica | A |
Algorithmica | A |
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | A |
Annals of Operations Research | A |
Applied Mathematics and Computation | A |
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | A |
Computational Geometry Theory and Application | A |
Computational Intelligence | A |
Computer Journal | A |
Computer Networks - The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (previously "Computer Networks and ISDN) | A |
Computer Research and Development | A |
Computer Science Education | A |
Computer Speech & Language | A |
Computer Supported Cooperative Work | A |
Computers and Education | A |
Computers and Operations Research | A |
Computers in Biology and Medicine | A |
Computers in Industry | A |
Computing | A |
Computing in Science and Engineering | A |
Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience | A |
Constraints | A |
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory | A |
Data and Knowledge Engineering | A |
Database | A |
Decision Sciences | A |
Decision Support Systems | A |
Digital Creativity | A |
Distributed and Parallel Databases | A |
Distributed Computing | A |
Empirical Software Engineering | A |
European Journal of Information Systems | A |
European Journal of Operational Research | A |
Evolutionary Computation | A |
Expert Systems with Applications | A |
Formal Aspects of Computing | A |
Formal Methods | A |
Formal Methods in System Design | A |
Future Generation Computer Systems | A |
IBM Journal of Research and Development | A |
IBM Systems Journal | A |
IEEE Internet Computing | A |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications | A |
IEEE Pervasive Computing | A |
IEEE Software | A |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | A |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I | A |
IEEE Transactions on Communications | A |
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | A |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | A |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | A |
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | A |
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | A |
Information and Computation | A |
Information Retrieval | A |
Information Systems Research | A |
INFORMS Journal on Computing | A |
Integration- the VLSI Journal | A |
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | A |
International Journal of Parallel Programming | A |
Journal of Algorithms | A |
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic | A |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | A |
Journal of Automated Reasoning | A |
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences | A |
Journal of Computational Intelligence | A |
Journal of Database Management | A |
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming | A |
Journal of Functional Programming | A |
Journal of Heuristics | A |
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming | A |
Journal of Logic and Computation | A |
Journal of Machine Learning Research | A |
Journal of Network and Computer Applications | A |
Journal of Network and Systems Management | A |
Journal of Programming Languages | A |
Journal of Symbolic Computation | A |
Journal of Systems and Software | A |
Knowledge Engineering Review | A |
Management Informations Systems Quarterly Discovery | A |
Microprocessors and Microsystems | A |
Multimedia Systems | A |
Natural Language Engineering | A |
Parallel Computing | A |
Performance Evaluation | A |
Real-Time Systems | A |
Research on Language and Computation | A |
Science of Computer Programming | A |
Scientometrics | A |
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing | A |
Speech Communication | A |
Statistics and Computing | A |
Studia Logica | A |
Theoretical Computer Science | A |
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (was Journal of Logic Programming) | A |
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | A |
VLSI Design | A |
World Wide Web | A |
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing | B |
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | B |
Advances in Computers | B |
AI Communications | B |
Applied Artificial Intelligence | B |
Applied Intelligence | B |
Australasian Journal of Information Systems | B |
Automated Software Engineering | B |
Autonomous Robots Journal | B |
Behaviour and Information Technology | B |
Communications of the Association of Information Systems | B |
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | B |
Computer Communications | B |
Computer Languages: An International Journal | B |
Computer Vision and Image Understanding | B |
Computers & Chemistry | B |
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications | B |
Connection Science | B |
Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal | B |
Database for Advances in Information Systems | B |
Distributed Systems Engineering | B |
Electronic Markets | B |
Fundamenta Informaticae | B |
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | B |
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | B |
IEEE Transactions on Reliability | B |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans | B |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics | B |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Review | B |
Image and Vision Computing | B |
Information and Management | B |
Information and Organisation | B |
Information and Software Technology | B |
Information Processing & Management | B |
Information Processing Letters | B |
Information Sciences | B |
Information Systems | B |
Information Systems Journal | B |
Information Technology and Management | B |
Information Technology and People | B |
Intelligent Data Analysis | B |
Interacting with Computers | B |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | B |
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | B |
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems | B |
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science | B |
International Journal of General Systems | B |
International Journal of Geographical Information Science | B |
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications | B |
International Journal of Human Computer Interaction | B |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems | B |
International Journal of Knowledge Management | B |
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems | B |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | B |
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | B |
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | B |
Journal of AIS(?) | B |
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | B |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law | B |
Journal of Cognitive Systems Research | B |
Journal of Computer Information Systems | B |
Journal of Computer Science and Technology | B |
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | B |
Journal of Embeded Computing | B |
Journal of End User Computing | B |
Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software | B |
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications | B |
Journal of Information Science | B |
Journal of Information Systems | B |
Journal of Information Technology | B |
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | B |
Journal of Intelligent Systems | B |
Journal of Knowledge Management Theory and Practice | B |
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | B |
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming | B |
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | B |
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology(was Australian Computer Journal) | B |
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice | B |
Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice | B |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems | B |
Journal of Supercomputing | B |
Journal of Systems Architecture | B |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | B |
Journal of Universal Computer Science | B |
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation | B |
Knowledge and Information Systems | B |
Knowledge-Based Systems | B |
Logic Journal of the IGPL | B |
Machine Translation | B |
Machine Vision and Applications | B |
Minds and Machines | B |
Mobile Networks and Applications | B |
Networks | B |
Neural Processing Letters | B |
Neurocomputing | B |
New Generation Computing | B |
Parallel Algorithms and Applications | B |
Pattern Analysis and Applications | B |
Pattern Recognition Letters | B |
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | B |
Proceedings of the IEEE | B |
Prometheus | B |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems | B |
Scandanavian Journal of IS | B |
Software Concepts and Tools | B |
Software Practice and Experience | B |
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | B |
Systems and Control Letters | B |
Theory of Computing Systems | B |
Expert Systems | U |
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications | U |
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | new |
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Web Computing | new |
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems | new |
Journal of Decision Systems | new |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing | new |
ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science | U |
ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems | U |
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | U |
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | U |
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | U |
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications | U |
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | U |
ACM Transactions on Storage | U |
ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | U |
ACTA Automatica Sinica | U |
Advanced Robotics | U |
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems | U |
AI in Engineering | U |
AISB Quarterly | U |
Annals of Cases on Information Technology Applications and Management in Organizations | U |
Applied Soft Computing | U |
Ars Combinatoria | U |
Artificial Intelligence and Law (Journal Articles) | U |
Artificial Intelligence Review | U |
Asian Journal of Information Technology | U |
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics | U |
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems | U |
Business Process Management Journal | U |
C++ Report - The International Authority On C++ Development | U |
Cahiers GUTenberg | U |
Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research | U |
Cognitive Science Quarterly | U |
Complex Systems | U |
Complexity | U |
Complexity international: An electronic journal of complex systems research | U |
Computer Graphics Forum The International Journal of the Eurographics Association | U |
Computer Languages Systems and Structures | U |
Computer Simulations in Biomedicine | U |
Computer Standards & Interfaces | U |
Computer Systems Europe: for specifiers and integrators | U |
Computer Systems: Science & Engineering | U |
Computers & Graphics | U |
Computers & Industrial Engineering | U |
Computers and Mathematics with Applications | U |
Computers and Security | U |
Computing and Informatics Journal | U |
Congressus Numerantium | U |
Control and Cybernetics | U |
Cryptologia | U |
DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | U |
Designs, Codes and Cryptography | U |
Discrete Applied Mathematics | U |
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications | U |
Discrete Mathematics | U |
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | U |
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics | U |
Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries | U |
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence | U |
Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management | U |
Health Informatics Journal | U |
Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | U |
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques | U |
IEE Proceedings - Software | U |
IEEE Computer | U |
IEEE Dependable and Secure Computing | U |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | U |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics | U |
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems | U |
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | U |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | U |
Image Processing | U |
Implementation of Quantum Computation | U |
In Silico Biology | U |
Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics | U |
Informatics in Health Care Australia | U |
Information Management and Computer Security | U |
Information Research-An International Electronic Journal | U |
Information Society: An International Journal | U |
Information Systems Control Journal | U |
Information Systems Frontiers: A Journal of Research and Innovation | U |
Information Technology Thoery and Applications | U |
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | U |
International Journal for Computers and Their Applications | U |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | U |
International Journal of Computer Mathematics | U |
International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering | U |
International Journal of Computing and Engineering Management | U |
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining | U |
International Journal of Electronic Commerce | U |
International Journal of Embedded Systems | U |
International Journal of Expert Systems | U |
International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications | U |
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems | U |
International Journal of High Speed Computing | U |
International Journal of Image and Graphics | U |
International Journal of Information and Security | U |
International Journal of Information Management | U |
International Journal of Information Security | U |
International Journal of Information Technology | U |
International Journal of Management and Systems | U |
International Journal of Management Systems | U |
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation | U |
International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks | U |
International Journal of Robotics Research | U |
International Journal of Systems Science | U |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | U |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | U |
Internet and Web Information Systems | U |
IS Audit and Control Journal | U |
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology Journal | U |
JITTA: An Information Systems Journal | U |
Journal of Advanced Robotics | U |
Journal of Applied System Studies | U |
Journal of Collaborative Computing (?CSCW) | U |
Journal of Combinational Theory: Series B | U |
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing | U |
Journal of Combinatorial Theory A | U |
Journal of Computation and Mathematics | U |
Journal of Computer Security | U |
Journal of Computing and Information | U |
Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Support in the New Millennium | U |
Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Systems in Action | U |
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications | U |
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | U |
Journal of Global Information Management | U |
Journal of Global Information Technology | U |
Journal of Graph Theory | U |
Journal of Graphics Tools | U |
Journal of Informatics Education and Research | U |
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management | U |
Journal of Information Law & Technology (JILT) | U |
Journal of Information Systems Education | U |
Journal of Information Systems Management | U |
Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications | U |
Journal of Information Technology Education | U |
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science | U |
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems | U |
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | U |
Journal of Knowledge Management | U |
Journal of Law and Information Science | U |
Journal of Logic, Language, and Information | U |
Journal of Management Systems | U |
Journal of Network Industries | U |
Journal of Systems & Information Technology | U |
Journal of Systems Integration | U |
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology | U |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science | U |
Journal of the American Telemedicine Association | U |
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society: Special Issue on Software Engineering | U |
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing | U |
Journal on Data Semantics | U |
Journal on Pervasive Computing and Communications | U |
Journal on Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | U |
Linear Algebra and its Applications | U |
Machine Graphics and Vision | U |
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | U |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling | U |
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing | U |
Mathematical Modelling of Systems | U |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | U |
Mathematics of Computation | U |
Memory and Cognition | U |
Multimedia Tools and Applications | U |
Network & Computer Applications | U |
Neural Computing and Applications | U |
New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology | U |
New Zealand Journal of Computing | U |
Numerical Algorithms | U |
Object: Software, Databases and Networks (L'objet logical base de donnees reseaux) | U |
Open Systems and Information Dynamics | U |
Parallel Processing Letters | U |
Perl Journal | U |
Personal Technologies | U |
Proceedings of Computers and Digital Techniques | U |
Product Focused Software Process Improvement | U |
Programming and Computer Software | U |
Public Key Cryptography | U |
Quantum Information Processing | U |
Real-Time Imaging | U |
Requirements Engineering | U |
Robotica | U |
Selected areas in Cryptography | U |
Software Process Newsletter | U |
Software Quality Journal | U |
South African Computer Journal | U |
Telemedicine Journal | U |
The Australian Journal of Combinatorics | U |
The Journal of Collaborative Computing | U |
Theoretical Informatics and Applications | U |
Videre: Journal of Computer Vision Research | U |
Visual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics | U |
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | U |